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Scholé Academy Latin Club

discimus vitae, non scholae

–Seneca the Younger, 65 CE

Salvete omnes!


Welcome to the Scholé Academy Latin Club! This year, students in Latin Club will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and appreciation of Latin through the exploration of conversational Latin, Roman cultural traditions, and classical practices that still impact the modern world today. Students will learn more about the mythology, history, and art of the ancient world while bolstering their growing knowledge of the written and spoken language itself. Whether through amicable Certamen competitions (Latin quizzing), or at-home constructions of ancient Roman ruins, students in Latin Club will benefit from the diverse exposure to many of classical civilization’s greatest treasures. 

Remember that all interested Latin Alive! students can come to any of the Latin Club meetings this year as their schedules permits!

Please direct any and all questions about the Club to [email protected].

Valete, amici!

2024 Latin Club est perfectum (“that’s a wrap”)!


Gratias maximas vobis ago — thank you all for an amazing year of Latin Club meetings! 

Latin Club FAQ:

  • Who can be in Latin Club?
    Any students in a Schole Academy Latin Alive! or Lingua Latina course are welcome to join.
  • When will Latin Club happen?
    Latin Club will meet for one hour sessions and will be offered on a monthly basis.
  • Where will Latin Club take place?
    There will be a Zoom meeting room specifically for the SA Latin Club. The link will be available to all interested members.
  • What will a typical club meeting entail?
    Latin Club will include several types of activities, from practicing conversational Latin to discussing mythology or art, to exploring a Roman cultural tradition or engaging in Certamen-esque (Latin quizzing) competitions.  Additionally, Latin Club will also feature chances to practice Latin reading and discussion through a variety of Latin novellas and smaller compositions.
  • What do students need for the club?
    Students may wish to have their Latin notes and resources nearby for club meetings, in order to facilitate lively and robust discussion and participation. Additionally, there will be activities throughout the year that may require simple supplies. Please check the quarterly schedule for details about any and all supplies needed for each meeting.