As members of various Christian communities continue to be drawn to the work we are doing, we’ve found it necessary to begin thinking more strategically about how we can continue to meet the common needs of the whole, while being careful not to dilute, gloss over, or tear away the distinctive natures of each faith community in its respective teachings, cultures, and traditions.
The Great Hall and Houses of Studies within Scholé Academy
Click on the diagram below to tour our campus:
Through our common educational goals, CAP and Scholé Academy have found opportunities to work with and meet the needs of Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians alike. Already, Scholé Academy welcomes educators, families, and students representing these three great Christian traditions. Mirroring C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity, the Scholé Academy’s Great Hall offers a place where we can find common ground in the study of courses like Latin, logic, science, mathematics, grammar, writing, etc. The great hall features “orthodox” Christian beliefs: those common to us all.
Each separate room off the hall, however, is built around a specific tradition, honoring its real and important differences. “It is in the rooms, not in the hall, that there are fires and chairs and meals,” Lewis writes. Our three houses of studies invite students into conversations and studies specific to that tradition.
Aquinas House of Studies (Catholic)
Canterbury House of Studies (Anglican/Protestant)
St. Raphael School (Orthodox)
Saint Raphael School
- Part of Scholé Academy, St. Raphael School (SRS) operates as a “school within a school,” serving students and families in the Orthodox Christian tradition. SRS offers K–12 students various liberal arts, catechism, language, and sacred arts courses that are primarily based on the classic Good and Great Books from Western and Eastern European culture. In these courses, students have the opportunity to mature in their understanding of the Orthodox faith.
“St. Raphael School has filled a gap in our homeschool experience. Having the shared language of the Orthodox Church, our traditions, and festal cycle in her classrooms has been a true blessing for my daughter. SRS has become more than weekly classes, but also an extension of our Orthodox and homeschool communities, which is a truly unique experience in an online school.” — Presb. Jennifer Moore & Family
Aquinas House
- The Aquinas House of Studies supports students’ spiritual formation into the image of Christ by fostering a strong prayer life that is fixed firmly in the liturgical traditions of the Church and aided by the study of Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Liberal Arts tradition. Aquinas offers classes under Scholé Academy for grades 4 –12.
“As a Catholic parent who homeschools, it excites me to know my daughter is engaged in active faith formation with peers her own age and a talented teacher. I hope we will be able to find courses at the Aquinas House of Studies for her for the next few years.” — Hillary McCoy
Canterbury House
- The Canterbury House of Studies is a small collection of classical courses offered in the Anglican/Episcopalian tradition. Available under Scholé Academy for grades 6-12, Canterbury provides a place where Anglican students can learn with like-minded believers in the conviction of their faith.
“I appreciate [the teacher’s] focus on orthodoxy and the bigger picture of Jesus throughout the text, in addition to her emphasis on the culture within the New Testament and the focus on accurate historical setting and history. I easily trust her with our girls in this class because I do feel like she deeply cares about cultivating virtue in their lives, forming their minds and hearts, while teaching biblical truths and liturgical traditions.” — Holly Mulford, CHoS Parent