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Spanish 2

A deepening of the student’s grasp of Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and general Hispanic culture that builds on one year of immersion-style Spanish conversation practice and grammar/vocabulary study.

As we seek mastery of Spanish this year, each class will include a mixture of speaking, listening, reading and writing on the part of both the instructor and student. Students are encouraged to speak Spanish as much as possible in the classroom. The instructor will speak in Spanish for the majority of the course, but will speak English for explaining difficult grammar or answering student questions.  Striving for immersion will improve skills rapidly and is attainable to the motivated learner of any level, especially closer to the end of the year of Spanish study.

 There will be times when a student might not understand every word spoken, but we will strive to improve our listening skills and identify with travelers and immigrants who face the humility of language learning daily. Humility, patience, perseverance, and courage will serve you well in your language learning adventure!

Schedule: The course meets 2 times per week for 60-75 minutes, affording adequate instructional time as well as time for more advanced conversational and writing practice and listening exercises.

Placement: Please read about our placement process in the Student Parent Handbook.

Required Materials:
Books and supplies are not included in the purchase of the course.

  • Realidades 2 (2014 Version, blue cover)

    • ISBN-13: 978-0133199666
  • Realidades 2 Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook  (also 2014 version, plain blue front with stripes on side. Please check ISBN numbers carefully as there are two similar versions

    • ISBN-13: 978-0133225723, ISBN-10: 0133225720
  • Vocabulary flash card materials

    • Blank flash cards (3×5) of your choice (Start with 100)
    • Rubber band or box (or hole punch and large metal ring) to hold cards together
  • Other material

    • Notebook, pens, pencils, and highlighters (to take extra notes or write some of the textbook exercises done in class)

**Optional if you don’t own one yet. **

  • Dictionary Spanish-English / English-Spanish (I don’t have a preference, but I can recommend Merriam-Webster; Multilingual edition (November 1, 2021))

    • ISBN-10: 0877792984
    • ISBN-13: 978-0877792987

Caridad Legere

[email protected]

Caridad Legere was born and raised in Guatemala City. After earning a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Caridad worked in different industries in her native country. In 2005 she married Tim and made Arizona her new home. They had a precious daughter in 2006 and when it was time to send her to school, they decided to educate her at home. This richer education allowed their daughter to search for the truth, goodness, and beauty through the lens of a Christian worldview. During their journey, Classical Academic Press educational materials and Scholé Academy have been an important part of their instruction at home. This year, their daughter is graduating from high school and going to college in the fall of 2025, a moment full of excitement for all of them. Caridad discovered her passion for teaching Spanish with their daughter and her pride comes when she sees students breaking through their obstacles and mastering concepts.

Red checkmarkComputer: You will need a stable, reliable computer, running with a processor with a speed of 1 GHz or better on one of the following operating systems: Mac OS X with Mac OS 10.7 or later; Windows 8, 7, Vista (with SP1 or later), or XP (with SP3 or later). We do not recommend using an iPad or other tablet for joining classes. An inexpensive laptop or netbook would be much better solutions, as they enable you to plug an Ethernet cable directly into your computer. Please note that Chromebooks are allowed but not preferred, as they do not support certain features of the Zoom video conference software such as breakout sessions and annotation, which may be used by our teachers for class activities.

Red checkmarkHigh-Speed Internet Connection: You will also need access to high-speed Internet, preferably accessible via Ethernet cable right into your computer. Using Wi-Fi may work, but will not guarantee you the optimal use of your bandwidth. The faster your Internet, the better. We recommend using a connection with a download/upload speed of 5/1 Mbps or better. You can test your Internet connection here.

Red checkmarkWebcam: You may use an external webcam or one that is built in to the computer. Webcam Recommendations: Good (PC only) | Best (Mac and PC)

Red checkmarkHeadset: We recommend using a headset rather than a built-in microphone and speakers. Using a headset reduces the level of background noise heard by the entire class. Headset Recommendations: USB | 3.5mm

Red checkmarkZoom: We use a web conferencing software called Zoom for our classes, which enables students and teachers to gather from around the globe face to face in real time. Zoom is free to download and easy to use. unnamed-e1455142229376 To download Zoom:

  1. Visit
  2. Click to download the first option listed, Zoom Client for Meetings.
  3. Open and run the installer on your computer.
  4. In August, students will be provided with instructions and a link for joining their particular class.

Red checkmarkScanner: In this class, students frequently submit homework assignments by scanning pages from their workbooks. Students and/or their parents should have easy access to a scanner and the ability to use it.


Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Explore our courses!

First, read the available course descriptions, noting prerequisites, target grades, and course objectives. If you think your student is prepared for the course, go ahead and register. After registration, a placement assessment may be provided to students, depending on the course and the student's previous enrollment with Scholé Academy. Registration is finalized when the student's placement assessment has been returned by the course instructor with placement confirmation.


All Courses | By Grade

Read the Student-Parent Handbook.

Please take careful note of our teaching philosophy, our technology requirements, our school policies, the parent agreement, and the distinctions between our grade levels.

Double-check the course section dates and times.

Make sure they don't conflict with other activities in your schedule or other courses you are purchasing. Our system will not catch double-bookings!

You're ready to add course selections to your cart!

Our Assistant to the Principal will be in touch with you after your enrollment to help you with next steps, including any placement evaluations that may be required for your course selections.

This registration will be finalized when the student's placement assessment has been returned by the course instructor with placement confirmation.

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