Upcoming Events
SRS Q&A with Principal Presbytera Maria Koulianos
January 29th at 7pm ET
Preview Week opens January 30th! Join SRS Principal Presbytera Maria Koulianos for an informal Q & A and sneak peak of what is to come with our tried and true with the new on January 29th at 7pm ET!
CLICK HERE: https://classicalacademicpress.zoom.us/j/3801645354 NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED.
Paving the Way to College through an Orthodox Perspective
January 30th at 7pm ET
Christopher Chiakulas, founder of Orthodox Christian College Counseling, a platform that supports teenagers and their parents in navigating the high school journey, will speak on the college search, application, and selection process from an Orthodox perspective. Parents and students grades 8-12 are encouraged to attend!
Open House
February 4th at 7pm ET
Come experience our restful approach to classical learning. Hear from students and families, and learn about the unique opportunities in our online academy.
For the Love of Latin
February 18th at 8pm ET
Inspired by questions from everyday families and a desire to support those who are tracking, encouraging, or just cautiously considering Latin studies, this panel will relay the joy of studying Latin and the supports available to families in the process.
Event Recordings

Christmas Arts Festival
December 12th at 7pm ET
Join the Scholé Academy family for a festive night of arts and crafts including painting, wood carving, baking, and more! Details about the specific projects led by beloved Scholé Academy instructors can be explored here.

The One Who Does Not Follow
November 14th at 8pm ET
We all know this kind of family (and yours may be one): A godly, thoughtful, faithful and “model” family with several children. The children are all homeschooled and appear healthy, respectful, resourceful, and faithful to Christ and the church. Then one of the children wanders from the faith and rejects the church. If we are honest, this is not uncommon but it is often hard to address, discuss, and understand. In this seminar, we will discuss the current cultural challenges that we and our children are confronting in an increasingly secular society, with many competing voices calling and tempting our children–despite our best efforts to protect and provide for them. We will address the ways we can wisely protect our children but will also discuss the biblical basis for trusting in God for our children’s well-being and salvation when they wander from the fold.
Fall College Night
October 24th
Scholé Academy’s virtual College Night featured a panel of Christian college leaders offering thoughtful perspectives for those thinking about higher education and concerned with faith formation.

Learning Differences
July 23
This Live Learning Event, hosted by Scholé Academy and ClassicalU, includes a panel of experts and practitioners discussing how classical educators ought to and can serve students with learning differences.

Latin Alive Updates with Karen Moore
July 11
Latin Alive! author Karen Moore hosted a webinar to discuss the newly revised Latin Alive! Books 1 and 2. She presented an overview of what changes to expect, gave a tour of the books’ new designs, and answered a multitude of questions from attendees.

Novare Science with John Mays and Chris Hall
August 16
Novare Science founder John Mays and Scholé Academy instructor Chris Hall hosted a webinar to discuss how biology strengthens Christian belief. Together, they explained that the more you study life, the more you’ll find signs pointing back to the Creator.

SRS: Father Prophyrios Memorial Lecture /h2>
May 16
Kyra Limberakis, co-founder and Chief Operating Officer for Orthodox Volunteer Corps speak about “A Resilient Spirit and a Soft Heart: Serving on the Margins”

Writing is Still Important: A Conversation with Paul Kortepeter
April 4
Ponder with author Paul Kortepeter why rhetorical training is still vital in our information-saturated world. Follow the ancient path of rhetoric where reading and imitation are foundations to writing, and where writing naturally leads to rhetoric. Writing & Rhetoric taps into an ancient art that moves us beyond a chatbot world to imitating and emulating the great authors.

Fireside Stories with Dr. Anika Prather
March 7
Encounter the rich West African Griot tradition and listen as Dr. Anika Prather imparts this rich cultural experience and the formative value of hearing these oral narratives with students in the home or classroom. Participants will also learn of Dr. Prather’s forthcoming audio recordings where she shares from this heritage directly with students.

Crispina Read Aloud Family Night
February 22
Elizabeth Crispina Johnson, of blessed memory, was a founding instructor of St. Raphael School. Beloved by students, families, and the wide Orthodox community, she left a legacy of literacy which generations will treasure. As she used to recall, one of her most joyous childhood memories was going to a nearby “small stone library” where she would “curl up in a corner” to read. It is in this spirit, we announce our inaugural Crispina Read Aloud Family Night! Come and join us!
Guest Reader: Celeste Gregor, Daughter of Elizabeth Johnson

Great Hall Open House
January 24, 2024
The Great Hall Open House is a chance to learn more about all our academic departments. See what is being offered in the Scholé Academy Great Hall and how the courses in all departments can meet the needs of your family.