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German Culture Club

Herzlich Willkommen Scholé Academy German Culture Club! 

Join us to experience facets of German culture and traditions including the preparation of some delicious, traditional German recipes! No prior knowledge of German is required, although, you might pick up a little German as we go! Club sponsor, Mrs. Helga Maier, will be speaking both in German and English when sharing recipes or simple German songs or poems that have become part of what shapes German culture.
Students who are interested or who currently are enrolled in German class  are all welcome in the German Culture Club meetings  as their schedules permit! 
Please direct any and all questions about the Club to
We hope to see you there!

2023 German Culture Club Interest Meeting

When: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 | 5:30 pm EST

Where: German Culture Club Zoom Room (Please email the Zoom ID.)

Agenda: Discussion of preferred day and time, club vision, poetry readings, and more!

If you aren’t able to attend this first informational meeting, please still reach out to be connected with the recording and other helpful information.