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Lower School (Grades K–6)

The lower school at Scholé Academy is a special place for our youngest students. Our lower-school classes target students in grades 3 through 6. In the words of John Amos Comenius, “[We look on these children], not as they are now, but with a view to the purpose in the Divine mind, on account of which they are delivered to us for instruction.” It is our hope, then, to serve you well as you are cultivating their virtue and their educational opportunities. Our courses are designed to fuel the mind and furnish the soul. 


It’s been an exciting time as we have now seen many of the students who began in our lower school making their way into middle school. We define our growth by seeking to cultivate virtue in, respect of, and scholarship for each child. Considering all of our students, from the youngest to the oldest, we ask how we can better serve and meet the needs of the families who choose to partner with us. That’s why, for example, each of our lower-school courses have been shortened to 45–60 minute sessions, but increased in frequency from 2 to 3 days per week. Why did we make this change? Younger students typically learn best in shorter, more frequent sessions. This change gives us more opportunities for repetition and mastery, and simultaneously decreases the amount of daily screen time—a concern many parents have when considering technology consumption.


On studying the liberal arts at a young age: “Let your youthful steps, my dearest sons, run daily along these paths until a riper age and a stronger mind shall bring you to the heights of Holy Scripture.” —Alcuin of York, in Andrew Flemming West, Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools

Houses of Studies

   Aquinas (Catholic)
  Canterbury (Anglican)
  St. Raphael (Orthodox)

New Course

Courses with a logo are taught according to a distinct Christian tradition.  Courses without a logo are conducted according to the shared beliefs of the Nicene Creed.

Curriculum Map

Class Periods

8:00–9:00 (ET)


*This course runs on the middle-/upper-school schedule. Please check the specific start and end times for each course before finalizing your schedule.



Houses of Studies

   Aquinas (Catholic)
  Canterbury (Anglican)
  St. Raphael (Orthodox)

New Course

Courses with a logo are taught according to a distinct Christian tradition.  Courses without a logo are conducted according to the shared beliefs of the Nicene Creed.

Curriculum Map

Class Periods

8:00–9:00 (ET)


*This course runs on the middle-/upper-school schedule. Please check the specific start and end times for each course before finalizing your schedule.

Explore Our Courses!