Many of our upper-school students have been piecing together their academic schedules among 2, 3, or even 4 different institutions, co-ops, and independent study options. Numerous families have expressed their wish that we would offer a wider complement of courses across the disciplines, making it easier for their students to find some scholé in their work. One school calendar to manage, one set of academic standards—even just fewer logins and passwords would be helpful!
We made it our goal to provide all the courses necessary for an upper-school student to fulfill his or her high school transcript requirements. (We hope Scholé Academy will be able to offer a diploma in the near future.) And, after much planning and collaboration with our staff of experienced educators, we’re delighted to offer nearly 30 upper-school courses from which your student can choose.
At Scholé Academy, we have carefully considered how we should engage our contemporary culture as those who believe that Christ is the Truth (John 14:6), and that all truth has its source in him. We think it is important to provide our upper school students (in grades 7-12) with tools and opportunities for critically examining various cultural trends, issues and mores through the lens of orthodox, Christian beliefs. Being confident in the truth revealed to us in creation, the Scriptures, and the tradition of the church, we are not afraid to follow the truth and its implications nor to address error and falsehood. … Read more about our Faith & Culture.
“Wisdom is the chief adornment, and this I urge you to seek above all things.” —Alcuin of York, in Andrew Flemming West, Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools.
Houses of Studies
Aquinas (Catholic)
Canterbury (Anglican)
St. Raphael (Orthodox)
New Course
Courses with a logo are taught according to a distinct Christian tradition. Courses without a logo are conducted according to the shared beliefs of the Nicene Creed.
Middle- / Upper-School Class Periods
8:00–9:15 (ET)
Houses of Studies
Aquinas (Catholic)
Canterbury (Anglican)
St. Raphael (Orthodox)
New Course
Courses with a logo are taught according to a distinct Christian tradition. Courses without a logo are conducted according to the shared beliefs of the Nicene Creed.
Middle- / Upper-School Class Periods
8:00–9:15 (ET)
Latin | Greek
Grade Level Pathway
Accelerated Pathway
Learn More About the Novare Sequence | Click Image
Upper School Humanities Bundles
Courses can be purchased a la carte. Bundle discounts apply to the matching pairs below.
Additional discount on companion course with bundle purchase.
History | Literature Singles
Orthodox Liberal Arts Bundles
Courses can be purchased a la carte. Bundle discounts apply to the matching pairs below.
*Note Level 8 is a single course and does not qualify for a bundle discount.
Logic | Rhetoric
Russian | Arabic
Fine Arts | Fall
Fine Arts | Spring
Protestant Studies
Catholic Studies
Orthodox Studies
Sacred Art