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Let No One Fear Death

Let No One Fear Death

Month: April 2022 ~ by Sarah Roumas ~ On Lazarus Saturday, Orthodox Christians celebrate the day that Jesus raised his beloved friend Lazarus from the dead. This feast is a wonderful and fascinating day! It is celebrated on the day before Palm Sunday. Fasting is...
The Joy of Anonymous Craftsmanship

The Joy of Anonymous Craftsmanship

Blog ~ by Randi Maria Sider-Rose ~ When art was severed from God, when the anonymous craftsperson became rather an “artistic superstar,” a vital connection to creativity was lost.  Saint Raphael iconography instructor Randi Maria Sider-Rose reflects on how...
The Gift of Fortitude

The Gift of Fortitude

Uncategorized ~ by Amy Morgan ~ Noah was commanded by God to build a boat and declare to his neighbors that a flood was coming to destroy them. For decades of cloudless skies, he persisted in his message and in his carpentry despite the ridicule of his community. ...
Remembering the Fortitude of Mary and Joseph at Christmas

Remembering the Fortitude of Mary and Joseph at Christmas

Uncategorized ~ by Fr. Christopher Marchand ~ It is possible [for a man] to be genuinely brave only . . . when, with a clear view of the real situation facing him, he cannot help being afraid, and, indeed, with good reason. If in this supreme test, in face of which...
Prayer and Fortitude in Learning

Prayer and Fortitude in Learning

Blog ~ by Gabe Quinodoz ~  “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain” (Psalm 127:1). When it comes to education, both learning and teaching, we often think in terms of study...
The Glory of Fortitude in Grammar School

The Glory of Fortitude in Grammar School

Blog ~ by Emily Brigham ~ I don’t think I’ve ever seen fortitude replete with such glory as when I watched Terrence Malick’s film “A Hidden Life” last year. In this film, Franz Jäggerstätter decides that he cannot fight for the Nazis, and he then endures the agonizing...